Ancient Egypt for Kids - Education Illustration

Ancient Egypt for Kids

People who could afford it sent their boys to be educated at the temple school called the House of Life. Those who could not afford it taught their boys at home.

Girls, although they were equal under the law, did not go to school, even if their parents could afford it. They were taught at home by their mother or by a slave. Very few girls knew how to read or write. But they did learn how to manage a home and children. Most boys did not go to school either. School was not free. You had to be rich or be one of Pharaoh's kids to attend a formal classroom with a teacher. 

Most children followed in their parent’s footsteps. If your father was a baker, so were you, unless you had talent as an artist or craftsman. Even if you had talent, you could still be a baker if you wanted. But, if you wanted to climb the social scale, you might try to be accepted to special school in the House of Life. It was there that special professions were taught such as the profession of scribe or doctor or priest.

There was a House of Life, an education center, in very city in ancient Egypt. In the smaller cities, the house of life was also the temple. In the larger cities, these could be combined, or were side by side. Education was considered extremely important in ancient Egypt. Everyone had a job to do. To do your job well, you needed to be trained.

The House of Life also held college classes - a university level of study in the sciences for medical research, astronomy, and mathematics.

Did ancient Egyptians go to school?

The House of Life

Occupations, Professions, and Jobs

The Temples


Interactive Quiz about Ancient Egypt (with answers)