Ancient Egypt for Kids
Gifts of the Nile
The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile River ran down the middle of ancient Egypt.
The Nile is shaped like a lotus flower, the design seen in ancient Egyptian art, math, and hieroglyphics. It runs south to north, beginning in the mountains in the south and ending 4,000 miles later at the Mediterranean Sea.
Each spring, snow on the mountains would melt. The Nile River would flood. When the waters receded, they left behind fertile soil. Crops could easily be grown in this black, rich soil. The ancient Egyptians called this soil the "The Gift of the Nile".
The Nile provided other gifts to the ancient Egyptians. Papyrus, used for everything, grew wildly along its banks. It provided water for cooking and bathing. Fish and waterfowl were plentiful. Wild vegetables could be found, along with bird eggs. Egypt is located in the middle of a desert. But life along the Nile was splendid.
Explore Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
Geography, History, Government
Two Lands,
King Menes
The Many Uses of Papyrus & Making Paper
Time Keeping and Shadow Clocks
Daily Life
Religion - Mummies, Gods, Goddesses, Myths and More
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Many Religious and Joyous Festivals
Canopic Jars (also spelled Canpic)
Inventions and Achievements
Interactive Quiz Questions with Answers about Ancient Egypt by Topic
Five Themes of Ancient Egypt Geography
Ancient Egypt Arts & Architecture
Ancient Egypt Science & Inventions
Ancient Egypt for Teachers
Activities and Projects for Ancient Egypt
Lesson Plans and Units for Ancient Egypt
Vocabulary Lists and Interactives with definitions
Games: Free Interactive online for Kids to learn more about Ancient Egypt