Ancient Egypt for Kids
Government Officials
In ancient Egypt, the head of both religion and government was Pharaoh. The ancient Egyptians loved life. They wanted to live forever. Their religion was wrapped around the idea that they could, in fact, live forever if they kept their hearts light and managed to cross the horrible underworld, filled with monsters, to reach the netherworld, a magical place along the Nile, where little clay statues of people, about 3 inches high, did all the work for them. It took planning to reach the netherworld, their afterlife. That's one of the reasons they made mummies - so they would look really good when they reached the Two Fields (the magical place along a magical Nile River.) As you have probably guessed by now, the ancient Egyptians were firm believers in magic.
Meet the Many Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Canopic Jars (also spelled Canpic)
The Mummy's Curse and Other Curses
Many Religious and Joyous Festivals
Ancient Egyptian Religion These are questions we created about Ancient Egypt that we believe you might find on a homework assignment, a unit quiz or an exam. Test yourself. See if you remember the answer (or guess the answer), then click the "Show Answer" button under each question to see if you are right!
Explore Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
Geography, History, Government
Two Lands,
King Menes
The Many Uses of Papyrus & Making Paper
Time Keeping and Shadow Clocks
Daily Life
Religion - Mummies, Gods, Goddesses, Myths and More
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Many Religious and Joyous Festivals
Canopic Jars (also spelled Canpic)
Inventions and Achievements
Interactive Quiz Questions with Answers about Ancient Egypt by Topic
Five Themes of Ancient Egypt Geography
Ancient Egypt Arts & Architecture
Ancient Egypt Science & Inventions
Ancient Egypt for Teachers
Activities and Projects for Ancient Egypt
Lesson Plans and Units for Ancient Egypt
Vocabulary Lists and Interactives with definitions
Games: Free Interactive online for Kids to learn more about Ancient Egypt