Ancient Egypt for Kids - Education, The House of Life Illustration

Ancient Egypt for Kids
House of Life

The House of Life was an educational center. It was the place in each ancient Egyptian town of size where the rich sent their children to learn a top profession. The House of Life was where priests learned to read and write, where scribe school was held, where medical school was held, hwere the interpretatin of dreams was taught, and the place where the children of the rich and the elite went to school to learn economics, law, astronomy, geography, mathematics. 

Scholars and students at the House of Life made copies of the Book of Dead, a very large stack of magical spells, and offered these spells for sale to support the center. Monies and goods also flowed from the very rich, who paid for their children to attend school.  

Egyptian Ankh

Book of the Dead

Scribe School

The House of Books

Education in Ancient Egypt

Interactive Quiz about Ancient Egypt (with answers)