Ancient Egypt for Kids
People worked very hard in ancient Egypt. Everybody had a job. In ancient Egypt, women could work at a job outside the home as well. Jobs included bakers, priests, noblemen, soldiers, farmers, merchants, fishermen, hunters, craftsmen, artists, and scribes. There were many professions in ancient Egypt, most of which were inherited. For the most part, whatever job your father had, you had. If he was a farmer, when you grew up, you would become a farmer. Other inherited jobs included doctors, teachers, bakers, fishermen, herders, boatmen, administrators, and traders.
But there were a couple of professions that could help you move up the social ladder. One was to become a scribe, the people who wrote things down. The other was to become a craftsman or an artist if you were talented. Anyone could join the army. Thanks to Egypt's natural barriers, Egypt had little need for a large army. The army protected the delta region and the area to the south. They army also settle local differences.
The biggest job of all was that of Pharaoh. Pharaoh's job was to take care of his people. Pharaoh made laws, collected taxes, defended Egypt from invasion, and was the high priest. Pharaoh owned everything in ancient Egypt. But of course, he did not do all these jobs himself. Pharaoh had many helpers, called administrators. His most important administrators, his right hand man, was called the Vizier.
Craftsmen & Artists in Ancient Egypt

Explore Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
Geography, History, Government
Two Lands,
King Menes
The Many Uses of Papyrus & Making Paper
Time Keeping and Shadow Clocks
Daily Life
Religion - Mummies, Gods, Goddesses, Myths and More
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Many Religious and Joyous Festivals
Canopic Jars (also spelled Canpic)
Inventions and Achievements
Interactive Quiz Questions with Answers about Ancient Egypt by Topic
Five Themes of Ancient Egypt Geography
Ancient Egypt Arts & Architecture
Ancient Egypt Science & Inventions
Ancient Egypt for Teachers
Activities and Projects for Ancient Egypt
Lesson Plans and Units for Ancient Egypt
Vocabulary Lists and Interactives with definitions
Games: Free Interactive online for Kids to learn more about Ancient Egypt