Ancient Egypt - More than meets the eye - Kohl, Rouge, Nail Polish Illustration

Ancient Egypt for Kids
Kohl, Rouge, Nail Polish

The ancient Egyptians were very clever. They invented many things to make their life more comfortable.

Kohl: Women, men, and children ringed their eyes with black kohl, made of powered stone. They thought it looked very nice. But eye makeup had another purpose. The ancient Egyptians believed kohl eye makeup protected their eyes from the harsh glare of the sun. It also helped to protect them from blowing sand and flies.

That led to the development of kohl pots. It was common for kohl pots to be in the shape of little animals, like a monkey!

Other Makeup: Women tinted their nails and rouged their cheeks, as did some men.

Kohl is Kool! - this eyeliner was not just for women

More Ancient Egyptian Inventions

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