Ancient Egypt for Kids
Ancient Egyptian Math
They made great contributions to modern mathematics. They discovered decimals, fractions, the number zero, negative numbers and even the value of Pi. They had an understanding of solid geometry and used it in their construction.
The ancient Egyptian number system was composed of 7 symbols - a single stroke, a heel bone (upside-down smile), a coil of rope, a lotus plant, a finger, a frog, and a kneeling god.
With these 7 symbols, the clever Egyptians could add, subtract, multiple, and divide and count into the many millions! They even created a system of algebra, which helped them build the pyramids.
Take a look! Click on the links below to try your hand at math the ancient Egyptian way.
Explore Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
Geography, History, Government
Two Lands,
King Menes
The Many Uses of Papyrus & Making Paper
Time Keeping and Shadow Clocks
Daily Life
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Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Many Religious and Joyous Festivals
Canopic Jars (also spelled Canpic)
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