Ancient Egypt for Kids
Mummicication and Burial Sequence
Mummification Sequence for Kids
Ceremony: Ceremony by 4 priests, one dressed as Anubis. The inner organs were removed and put in Canopic jars.
Natron: Linen cloth and natron were used as packing to replace the organs.
40 Days: The body was covered with natron and placed on a tilted slab. The natron remained on and in the body for at least 40 days to dry the body of fluids.
Makeup: Packing removed, incisions sewn, body rubbed with oils and resins, nostrils stuffed with wax, pads under eyes. Make up applied. First strips of linen wound around the body.
Decorate: Jewelry was used to decorate the body. Good luck charms, like ankhs, were tucked in the 20 layers. The ankh was the symbol for "life".
Mask: Face was covered with a mask so that the Ba and Ka could recognize the body. The mask was colored and was as lifelike as possible.
Burial Sequence
Sarcophagus (coffin): Then the Mummy was placed in a coffin or a series of coffins, each with a cartouche (name plate)
Procession: There was a procession by family and friends to the final resting place.
Mourners: Mourners wailed as priests prayed at the tomb door.
Tomb Door Sealed: The tomb door was locked and sealed.
Weighing of the Heart: The ancient Egyptians believed the gods performed the weighing of the heart ceremony (hidden from human sight). If the deceased (the mummy's) heart was light, and passed the test, he or she then boarded Ra's heavenly boat and sailed away to join Osiris in the shining land of the Two Fields for a wonderful eternity. If his or her heart was not light - oh dear - he or she would be gobbled up and disappear forever, never to reach eternity. To the ancient Egyptians, it was very important to keep their heart light by doing good deeds. Nobody wanted to be gobbled up! And nobody wanted to miss out on eternity.
Ancient Egyptian Mummies or How to Live Forever
For Teachers
Mummies and Mummification Lesson Plans, Classroom Activities, Projects

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